What a GREAT STRIDES WALK! A crazy hectic day, but a wonderful top off to this week. Annika's Dancers team raised $4200.00 for research. Thank you to all those who walked or donated. We appreciate everything you have done to support us. We had one of the largest teams there , and it was great to see a turn out of over 400 people. All together our chapter raised over $72,000 to date with two more GREAT STRIDES events at local schools to be added to this total. I know we will make our goal of $75,000 this year.
Our visit to Toronto Sick Kids was a great one. As far as Annika's chest infection goes, we will ride out the IV treatments at home, she will be done the 2nd of June. If the cough comes back we are going to debate a bronchoscopy done to see what she is growing deep down in her lungs, and then probably go the inhaled antibiotics route. She isn't coughing at all now, which is fantastic. I guess it goes to show mom always knows best. I knew IV antibiotics would do the trick.
Her IV port is healing up great, and we ablsolutely love that it has taken away the fear of needles for Annika
Dr. Durie , her GI doctor was impressed with her weight gain, so no GI tube right now. She weighs a whopping 21.5 lbs. The most she has ever weighed.
So health wise, things are going really good for Annika.
I head to T.O for my GI appointment on Thursday, so I will post then when I know where we are going on that front. The next cf clinic for myself is June 11. So we should have lots of answers on me by then. Cheers everyone, and thank you, thank you, thank you , for all your love and support. Right now I have been so busy, but please know I think of you all often!
God Bless,
The Hassons