Thursday, June 21, 2007

The big day, has it arrived?

I write from my early morning in bed. Last night was a terrible sleep. Between the discomfort of my bowel and worry, sleep evaded me last night, even with two sleeping pills I was wide awake to 5:15 AM this morning. I have been wordering lots of things. Will they do the procedure like stated. If so how much pain will I be in, will there be any complications. Will I go home next week. God I pray everything goes well. I hope the ng and GI tube goes in with no troubles. I pray my mom will be here in time to console me. I MISS her so much, she is my best friend. I miss my dad, even his bossy ways....I know he wants the best for me. My husband and kids, no questions asked. My friends, and my family. Sherry has been a great support (my brother's sister) along with my brother. Angie and Dennis have stepped up to the plate as always. Pray that today the surgeoon's hands are blessed, and everything goes really good. Hopefully I will be able to post soon. Lots of love to my support in cyberspace.